Hello Dragon Band Students, Parents and Families,
Grades - The coming 6 weeks grade check on September 20th WILL AFFECT ELIGIBILITY. This is the required UIL 6 week grade check. (There will be another one at 9 weeks) Students, you’ll need to be passing all classes at the end of next week in order to continue to participate at football games and marching contests.
Next Week’s Rehearsals
Mon 9.16 7:00-8:30am V Full
Mon 9.16 4:45-6:45pm V Percussion Sectional
Tue 9.17 7:00-8:30am V Full
Wed 9.18 7:00-8:30am V Full
Wed 9.18 4:30-5:30pm Guard Sectional
Thu 9.19 7:00-8:30am V Full
Fri 9.20 7:00-8:30am V Full
Fri 9.20 7:30-8:30am JV Full
Friday, September 13th, Football vs. Vista Ridge @ Dragon Stadium, 7:00pm game start, Eighth Grade Visit
7:00am V rehearsal in the stadium
7:30am JV joins rehearsal in the stadium
8:30am Rehearsal ends, clear the stadium, head back to the band hall
9:00am School begins
3:35pm Report to Band Hall, move to the 400 gym for the Pep Rally
3:50pm Pep Rally begins
4:20pm Pep Rally ends, move back to the band hall - Priority #1 EAT and #2 Refill your water jug
Everyone is getting pizza today in the 1100 cafeteria
Eat first, then get in full uniform
4:50pm Get in full uniform
5:10pm Meet in sections for section inspection
5:15pm Move to the 1100 cafeteria to meet your 8th graders, make friends!
5:50pm Section Meetings
6:05pm Move to set up area
6:10pm Lined up to march to the stadium, stop to play Fight Song and Jai Ho for tailgating
6:20pm Move into the stands
7:00pm Game begins
8:00pm (approx) Halftime, “Everybody’s Everything” for Dnettes, V performs
9:45pm (approx) Game ends, move back to the Band Hall, carefully store all items properly
10:10pm (approx) Watch video from halftime together, don’t leave until dismissed by a band director
10:30pm (approx) Go home, have a great weekend!
Bus Assignments for Away Games
Bus 1 - Flutes
Bus 2 - Clarinets
Bus 3 - Saxes, 10 students move to bus 7
Bus 4 - Trumpets
Bus 5 - Horns
Bus 6 - Trombones
Bus 7 - Euphs, Tubas and 10 saxophones
Bus 8 - Percussion
Bus 9 - Color Guard
Friday, September 20th, Football vs. McNeil @ Reeves, 7:00pm game start
7:00am V rehearsal in the stadium
7:30am JV joins rehearsal in the stadium
8:30am Rehearsal ends, clear the stadium, head back to the band hall
9:00am School begins
4:20pm School ends, Priority #1 EAT and #2 Refill DB water jug with water
4:50pm Get dressed in Full Uniform
5:20pm Inspection in our areas
5:40pm Waiting on the practice field for the buses
5:45pm Depart for Reeves
6:15pm Arrive, quickly unload equipment, form lines and move into the stands
7:00pm Game begins
8:10pm (approx) Halftime, “Good Golly Miss Molly” for Dnettes, V performs
9:45pm (approx) Game ends, load equipment and buses, depart ASAP
10:10pm (approx) Depart for RRHS
10:40pm (approx) Arrive, unload trucks, store items properly, watch Halftime together
11:10am (approx) Go home, have a great weekend!
School Bus Assignments for Varsity Marching Contests (Charter Bus Assignments may be different)
Bus 1 - Flutes and Euphs
Bus 2 - Clarinets
Bus 3 - Saxes
Bus 4 - Trumpets and Tubas
Bus 5 - Trombones and Horns
Bus 6 - Percussion
Bus 7 - Color Guard
Saturday, September 21st, BOA Austin, V (and crew) only
7:45am Report to band hall, get dressed in full uniform
8:30am Inspection in areas
8:45am On practice field ready to load buses
8:50am Depart for Reeves
9:12am Arrive
9:30am Unload, etc
10:16am Warm up
11:12am Perform
12:00pm Depart for RRHS
12:25pm Arrive, students should go home, eat lunch, come back at 2:40
2:30pm Prelims awards, DMs only
3:00pm Finalist Director's Meeting
2:40pm Report to band hall, listen to judge’s tapes in sections, rehearse problem areas
3:50pm Practice field rehearsal and run
4:25pm Eat dinner, provided here at school, get dressed
Times TBD
~ 5:30 ~ 6:00pm Depart for Reeves
~ 5:50 ~ 6:20pm Arrive
7:30pm Finals begin
10:30pm Finals ends
10:45pm Awards
11:15pm Go home
12:00am Arrive, unload, put things away
Friday, September 27th, Football vs. Cedar Ridge @ Dragon Stadium, 7:00pm game start, Senior Recognition pregame
7:00am V rehearsal in the stadium
7:30am JV joins rehearsal in the stadium
8:30am Rehearsal ends, clear the stadium, head back to the band hall
9:00am School begins
4:20pm School ends, EAT, refill DB water jug with water
5:00pm Get in full uniform
5:30pm Inspection in our areas
5:50pm Lined up read to march to the stadium, stop to play Sweet Caroline and Fight Song
6:15pm Seniors move to sidelines, all else move into stands
6:30pm Senior Recognition
6:45pm School Song
7:00pm Game begins
8:00pm (approx) Halftime, “Good Golly Miss Molly” for Dnettes, V performs
9:45pm (approx) Game ends, move back to the Band Hall, carefully store all items properly
10:10pm (approx) Watch video from halftime together, don’t leave until dismissed by a band director
10:30pm (approx) Go home, have a great weekend!
Festival of Bands Merch!
This is a flyer for customizable Festival of Bands tshirt and/or hat purchases
Orders will close on Sept. 15
Each shirt purchased is a free ticket to Festival of Bands on October 1st.
These shirts are for spectators/audience members. MS Bands will still wear their school/band shirt and HS Bands will wear their uniforms.
Anyone can purchase a shirt.
Purchase and pick-up information can be found through the qr code or purchase site
Things We Talked About During Summer Band
We spent quite a bit of time during summer band discussing important topics for any band student to know
Directors presented several topics each day for the first 6 days
By no means must everyone read all of this, but it may be helpful as a reference, and you may find it interesting!
Dragon Band - Band Education Book
Class Plans
Each week the V and JV winds will have class plans set up in this document
Use the tabs across the bottom for any given week
Students can look here to find out what we’ll be working on any given day
Things may change if the need arises to work on something else with the marching show but this will give you a good idea!
Region Listening Schedule
Each week the V winds and select JV winds will perform TMEA Region Etude selections for a director
The region etudes are divided into 4 parts, or “cuts” and 1 cut is performed each week
Region listenings generally happen on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays
Students can find the schedule here!
Off Periods
Students - You may not hang out in any of our areas during Off Periods as we cannot supervise you during these times
The main idea for an Off Period is that students be Off Campus
Rules for Off Periods from Campus Administration…
Here are some general guidelines regarding off-campus periods if you do need to be on campus:
If you need to ride the bus, you must stay on campus.
You must be in the library unless the library is closed.
If the library is closed, you may wait in the library foyer.
Students (juniors & seniors) who have an off-campus period for 4th/8th period and D lunch are allowed to leave campus at the beginning of lunch on the day of their off-period.
You must enter the building once on campus (Report to the library).
Students are not allowed to hang out in the parking lot, in the 100 Student Center, or in open areas around campus.
All doors/gates are locked at 9:00 AM. Do not knock on locked doors to be let into the building. You must walk around the building to the front of the 1200 building.
If you arrive late because you have an off-period, you will need to walk to the front of the 1200 building to enter the campus.
Students are encouraged to work on assignments/study during their off-campus periods. Quiet conversations are also acceptable.
If there is an emergency drill (lock-down, evacuation, etc.), you should follow the instructions of the librarian.
Failure to follow these guidelines could result in you losing your off period.
Private Lessons
We encourage all students to sign up for and take private lessons
Most of our masterclasses during summer band were taught by our “own” private lesson teachers, so students have some familiarity with these folks already
Students should sign up using this form IF they have not already done so
The list of students will then be sent to the lesson teachers and they’ll begin creating their schedules for the coming semester
The private lesson teacher will contact the student about their lesson time and lessons will begin in coming weeks
Students must remain academically eligible to participate in football games and marching contest performances and all TMEA activities. Should a student become ineligible they will still practice with the group during band class and in some cases, outside of the school day.
There are two types of official grade reporting - IPR (Interim Progress Report) and Report Card. We are required to go by these official methods to determine eligibility.
Look ahead at the rehearsal and event schedule and plan your appointments and tutorial help around it
The band's calendar is on dragonband.com
Attendance at rehearsals and events is mandatory unless otherwise specified
Absences due to sickness are excused with notification from a parent if the student has a fever, is vomiting or cannot otherwise get out of bed
Absences due to prolonged sickness/injury are excused with a doctor's note
Who do I email? Mr. Mobley for Varsity Marching Band and Wind Ensemble and Wind Symphony, Ms. Benford for Junior Varsity Marching Band and Symphonic Band and Ms. Bouhadana for Concert Band, Mr. Hammack for all Percussion and Mrs. Stone for all Color Guard.
Absences that are not excused-birthdays, completing homework, test preparation, pop concerts, parties, vacations, weekend getaways
Upcoming Special Dates and Events
Fri 9.13 Football vs. Vista Ridge, Dragon Stadium, 7:30pm, 8th Grade Visit, Full Uniform
Fri 9.20 Football vs. McNeil, Reeves, 7:00pm
Sat 9.21 BOA Austin, Reeves, V only, all day
Fri 9.27 Football vs. Cedar Ridge, Dragon Stadium, 7:00pm, Senior Recognition Pregame
Tue 10.1 Festival of Bands, Reeves, schedule TBA - JV and V perform
Thu 10.3-Fri 10.4 No School, yes rehearsal
Fri 10.4 Football vs. Manor, Manor, 7:00pm
Sat 10.5 Vista Ridge Marching Festival, JV only
Tue 10.8 Band Booster Meeting, Band Hall, 7pm
Wed 10.9 Homecoming Parade and Pep Rally, after school, schedule TBD
Fri 10.11 Football vs. Hutto, Dragon Stadium, 7:00pm, Homecoming, Varsity performs postgame
Sat 10.12 Texas Marching Classic, Reeves, V only, all day, schedule TBA
Thank You Everyone,
David Mobley
Band Director, Round Rock High School
201 Deepwood Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681
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