Hello Dragon Band Students, Parents and Families,
Keep selling mulch, or start selling mulch if you haven’t yet!
Congratulations to our 7 All State Students!
Vic Ducea, Clarinet
Riley O’Connor, Contra Bass Clarinet
Vishesh Mishra, Alto Sax
Charles Wang, Tenor Sax
Jimmy Hanzlik, Contra Bassoon
Daphne Jones, Trombone
Hudson Pedrotti, Bass Trombone
BOA Grand Nationals Travel Meeting
Monday, February 3rd, 6:30pm
This trip is for all varsity members, or those wish to travel with the group in any capacity - you must attend
A representative from Music Travel Consultants will be here to present travel plans for the band’s trip to Indianapolis, Indiana in November of 2025 for the BOA Grand Nationals competition
We will play a promo video for the 2025 varsity show
Next Year’s Dragon Band - 9th, 10th and 11th grade students
If you have not already done so, please take a minute now to complete this form!
We build our roster for next year starting with a google form that we ask all of our 9th, 10th and 11th graders to complete and we send this to our feeder middle school campuses and 8th grade band students fill it out there.
Dragon Band students in 9th, 10th and 11th grade - all instruments and all sections, please take several minutes to complete this form. Pay careful attention to entering email addresses and read each question before answering
We’ve started mulch sales and will finish selling on Monday, February 3rd
We’re asking each student to try and sell 100 bags of mulch
Cost per bag is $5.00 and we make about $2.50 per bag
We offer brown mulch and black mulch
The minimum order is 5 bags
Cash or checks are accepted, made out to RRHS Band
Students must complete the order form LEGIBLY AND ACCURATELY
Turn in order forms weekly on Mondays
Students must give their customers a receipt
Students should sell mulch inside our sales boundary, this is to aid in delivery
Students who sell outside that boundary should plan on delivering that customers order to them on Friday, March 7th
Customers may elect to pick up their own mulch on Friday, March 7th at 4:30pm
We will deliver to customers on Saturday, March 8th, all day - more info about delivery day later
Region Band
The students received their music folder that contains all the pertinent information, here are the basics:
Pflugerville High School
Friday, January 24th 10:00am-1:00pm, Lunch, 2:30-5:30pm
Saturday, January 25th 9:00am-12:30pm, Lunch, Warm Ups begin at 3:00pm and Concerts begin thereafter
Music Page Turner Survey
Help Saumitra Gupta in Engineering Design and Development
His group is working on an automatic sheet music turner that attach to music stands
They need data for their project - take a second and help Saumitra
Woodwind, Brass and Percussion Students
The University of Mary Hardin-Baylor is hosting our annual ArtsRush event on Friday, January 24th! (Same day as region band)
ArtsRush is an opportunity for students to experience the life of a music major and meet students pursuing degrees in music at UMHB. It’s a great event for any student interested in music, whether it be a major, minor, or just an interest in collegiate ensembles!
We also have an exciting new update! Students who participate will also be automatically eligible for a unique UMHB Scholarship!
UMHB now gives automatic scholarship money to any student who participates in a university tour or university event!
Registration is $25 and covers meals, a t shirt, and the full spectrum of the music major experience.
Register today using this link!
UMHB is hosting a Woodwind Day open to all students grade 8-12
Saturday, February 1st, 10am-5pm, cost is $10.00
Attendees are invited to bring their instruments and participate in music-making and learning throughout the day, including chamber ensembles, masterclasses, and a final concert where participants will premiere a new composition for woodwind choir by Dr. Dylan Pich
Lunch will be provided
The registration deadline is January 24
A schedule of events with music to be prepared will be emailed after registration is received.
See the flyer for more information
Students must remain academically eligible to participate in football games and marching contest performances and all TMEA activities. Should a student become ineligible they will still practice with the group during band class and in some cases, outside of the school day.
There are two types of official grade reporting - IPR (Interim Progress Report) and Report Card. We are required to go by these official methods to determine eligibility.
Look ahead at the rehearsal and event schedule and plan your appointments and tutorial help around it
The band's calendar is on dragonband.com
Attendance at rehearsals and events is mandatory unless otherwise specified
Absences due to sickness are excused with notification from a parent if the student has a fever, is vomiting or cannot otherwise get out of bed
Absences due to prolonged sickness/injury are excused with a doctor's note
Who do I email? Mr. Mobley for Varsity Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Wind Symphony and Concert Band 2, Ms. Benford for Junior Varsity Marching Band and Symphonic Band and Ms. Bouhadana for Concert Band 1, Mr. Hammack for all Percussion and Mrs. Stone for all Color Guard.
Absences that are not excused-birthdays, completing homework, test preparation, pop concerts, parties, vacations, weekend getaways
Upcoming Special Dates and Events
Mon 1.20 No School
Fri-Sat 1.24-1.25 TMEA Region 26 Band Clinic and Concert, details TBA
Wed 1.29 No School
Sat 2.1 Winterguard Show, hosting here at RRHS
Mon 2.3 Mulch Sale Ends
Thu 2.6 Dragon Band Winter Concert, RRISD Hartfield PAC, 6:30pm
Tue 2.11 Band Booster Meeting, 7pm, Band Hall
Wed-Sat 2.12-2.15 TMEA All State Clinic and Convention, San Antonio Convention Center
Sat 2.15 Winterguard Show, New Braunfels
Mon 2.17 No School
Mon 2.24 WE and WS play at the State PTA Rally at the Capitol
Thank You Everyone,
David Mobley
Band Director, Round Rock High School
201 Deepwood Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681
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