Hello Dragon Band Students, Parents and Families,
This will likely be the final message for the school year! Take a look below…
Spring Concert Recordings
Thanks to all who attended our Spring Concert last week!
YAC Finals
Congratulations to all the finalists at YAC! These were incredible performances from each and every one of you!
This year marks the highest student participation in YAC to date. The most students performed, we added ensembles and color guard solos and we added a prelims round to the competition
The amount the students learn from working together in a small ensemble, cooperating with an accompanist, in the case of color guard-developing their own solos, performing for a judge - possibly advancing from level to level and getting feedback all along the way - is incalculable!!
Mr. Roeder Retirement Reception
Tuesday, May 21st, 2:00-4:00pm, Band Hall
Informal, come and go as you wish
Everyone please come by anytime between 2-4 and wish Mr. Roeder well!
Next Week in Classes
Your lockers must be 100% cleared out of your items when you leave after the final exam time.
Take all of your stuff home with you! Every locker, including percussion cubbies, shelves and guard lockers should be completely empty at the end of your final exam time. YES, even if you’ve got camp the week after, or are going to London, etc…
Parents - remind your kids to bring their stuff home: Don’t lose those Patagonia jackets, fancy Under Armor pants, really nice pair of Hokas and Ray Ban sunglasses - unless you’d like to donate them to Salvation Army - which is where all of the lost and found will go after next week.
RRHS Graduation - Wednesday, May 22nd
HEB Center in Cedar Park, 8:00pm start
Next year's WE and WS will perform, without percussion
! 5:00pm Arrive at the band hall, dressed in formal wear with a change of clothes
! 5:10pm Run through graduation music
! 5:45pm Ready to load buses - Flutes, Double Reeds and Saxes bus 1, Clarinets and Trumpets bus 2, Horns and Low Brass bus 3
! 6:00pm Load and Depart
7:00pm Arrive, unload, set up, restrooms
7:45pm Prelude music
8:00pm Graduation begins
10:55pm (approx.) Graduation ends, Postlude music
11:00pm (approx.) Load buses and depart asap
12:00am (approx.) Arrive, unload
BEFORE LEAVING FOR THE NIGHT: Change out of formal wear, store on racks, turn in school owned instrument
Instrument Turn In and Pick Up
If you use a school owned instrument:
And you’re a senior - keep it until you’ve performed either the Spring Concert or YAC finals, if applicable - all of you turn them in on Wednesday, May 15th - get it done if you haven’t yet!!
If you’re going to London - turn it in on Wednesday, May 22nd and we will recheck it out to you on Friday, May 24th between 8-Noon
If you’re playing Graduation - turn it in the night we get back from the ceremony, Wednesday, May 22nd - we will recheck it out to you on Friday, May 24th between 8-Noon
RRHS Graduation - Wednesday, May 22nd
HEB Center in Cedar Park, 8:00pm start
Next year's WE and WS will perform, without percussion
5:30pm Arrive at the band hall, dressed in formal wear with a change of clothes
5:35pm Run through graduation music
6:15pm Ready to load buses - Flutes, Double Reeds and Saxes bus 1, Clarinets and Trumpets bus 2, Horns and Low Brass bus 3
6:25pm Load and Depart
7:00pm Arrive, unload, set up, restrooms
7:45pm Prelude music
8:00pm Graduation begins
10:55pm (approx.) Graduation ends, Postlude music
11:00pm (approx.) Load buses and depart asap
12:00am (approx.) Arrive, unload
BEFORE LEAVING FOR THE NIGHT: Change out of formal wear, store on racks, turn in school owned instrument
Time for the third annual ASEYouth summer saxophone camp! We’re excited to see you for four days of small group ensembles, games, group lessons, master classes, and more!
July 15-18
Henry Middle School - 100 N Vista Ridge Blvd Cedar Park, TX
Step 1: fill out and submit this form to reserve your spot
Step 2: pay the $255 tuition directly beneath the information form. (If you would like to request a scholarship, please email aseyouth@gmail.com.)
All incoming 7th-12th graders, including high school musicians who play saxophone during marching season, are welcome. We can’t wait to see you there!Questions? Email aseyouth@gmail.com
Austin Trombone Camp, hosted here at Round Rock High School
Register at austintrombonecamp.com
See more information here
Texas State Band Camp
The Texas State University Band Camp will be held June 9-14, 2024
Registration is live here
Teupha Week | June 11-14 | Cedar Ridge HS
The ultimate Teupha Camp experience! Enjoy 4 days of Teupha with nearly 200 students, led by some of the best low brass instructors in the country. Participate in ensembles of all sizes, attend masterclasses, listen to faculty performances, visit instrument and mouthpiece vendors, and take lessons from the Teupha faculty at a discounted rate.
Sign up here before May 15th for early bird pricing!
Flutes! - Floot Fire!
Middle School or High School Flutist? Join us for a camp in Austin, Dallas, Houston, or Boston!
Aspiring Performer, College Flutist, or Flute Enthusiast? Join us for Floot Inferno in Houston!
Looking for a Solo Competition? Join us for the Claire Johnson Flute Soloist Competition!
Coming Soon
Thursday 5/9 Spring Concert, 6:30pm, RRISD Hartfield PAC
Friday 5/17 Percussion Concert, Band Hall
Monday 5/20 Final Exams begin
Tuesday 5/21 Roeder Retirement Reception, 2:00pm, Band Hall
Wednesday 5/22 RRHS Graduation, 8:00pm Cedar Park Center
Thursday 5/23 Last day of school!
Friday 5/24 Instrument Pick Up 8am-Noon
Tuesday 5/28-Friday 6/1 Rock Drums and Rock Guard Camps, 9am-4pm
Thank You Everyone,
David Mobley
Band Director
Round Rock High School
201 Deepwood Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681
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