
Hello Dragon Band Students, Parents and Families,

We’ve had a terrific summer band and we’ve almost reached the end!  The kids have handled themselves extremely well and we’ve accomplished a lot.  Thank you parents for sending your student and trusting us with them each day.

Parents, for the Parent Preview - Please attend starting at 6pm.  The kids will be doing photos and warm up things from 5-7pm and then will perform starting at 7pm.  At 6pm there will be food trucks, spirit sales and volunteer sign up opportunities.  We are in need of volunteers and you all will have a great chance to sign up to help in a variety of ways!!  We need everyone’s help to keep the band program running the right direction and your help as a volunteer is absolutely critical to this!

Band A Thon Wrap Up

  • Congratulations on a very successful Band A Thon last Saturday

  • The group marched the parade as well as they’ve ever done, it was wonderful to see!

  • Everyone’s donations added up to just over $20,000 raised!  Wow!

  • Way to go, outstanding work raising funds and showing off the skills you’ve learned and refined through Summer Band!!!

Parent Preview, Friday 8.9 (Student Schedule)

  • 5:00pm Students report to Dragon Stadium under the visitor’s stands in sections wearing summer uniform

  • 5:05pm Photos begin, in sections

  • 6:15pm Photos finish

  • 6:20pm Section time under the visitor’s stands, perc and guard with staff

  • 6:35pm V winds warm up side 2 endzone, JV winds warm up side 1 endzone

  • 6:50pm Set up concert arcs

  • 7:00pm Parent Preview begins

  • 8:00pm (approx.) Parent Preview ends

Next Week’s Rehearsals

  • Wed 8.14 7:00-8:30am V Full

  • Wed 8.14 4:30-5:30pm Guard Sectional

  • Thu 8.15 7:00-8:30am V Full

  • Fri 8.16 7:00-8:30am V Full

  • Starting the week of 8.19 - Perc and Guard will have slightly altered morning start times

First Day of School, Tuesday 8.13

  • No outside of school rehearsals planned

  • Students should follow all school procedures, some are special for the first day

  • We will talk through school and band class expectations and plans in each class

  • Students should bring instruments as we may have time to play in class

Private Lessons

  • We encourage all students to sign up for and take private lessons

  • Most of our masterclasses during summer band were taught by our “own” private lesson teachers, so students have some familiarity with these folks already

  • Students should sign up using this form IF they have not already done so

  • https://forms.gle/hSxtoruTZjsruNqJ6

  • The list of students will then be sent to the lesson teachers and they’ll begin creating their schedules for the coming semester

  • The private lesson teacher will contact the student about their lesson time and lessons will begin in coming weeks


Students must remain academically eligible to participate in football games and marching contest performances and all TMEA activities. Should a student become ineligible they will still practice with the group during band class and in some cases, outside of the school day.

There are two types of official grade reporting - IPR (Interim Progress Report) and Report Card.  We are required to go by these official methods to determine eligibility.  We will soon get a calendar listing all of the dates when grade checks occur and I will send those dates out to everyone as soon as I have them.



  • Look ahead at the rehearsal and event schedule and plan your appointments and tutorial help around it

  • The band's calendar is on dragonband.com

  • Attendance at rehearsals and events is mandatory unless otherwise specified

  • Absences due to sickness are excused with notification from a parent if the student has a fever, is vomiting or cannot otherwise get out of bed

  • Absences due to prolonged sickness/injury are excused with a doctor's note

  • Who do I email?  Mr. Mobley for Varsity Marching Band and Wind Ensemble and Wind Symphony, Ms. Benford for Junior Varsity Marching Band and Symphonic Band and Ms. Bouhadana for Concert Band, Mr. Hammack for all Percussion and Mrs. Stone for all Color Guard.

  • Absences that are not excused-birthdays, completing homework, test preparation, pop concerts, parties, vacations, weekend getaways

Upcoming Special Dates and Events

  • Tue 8.13 First Day of School

  • Tue 8.20 Band Booster Meeting, Band Hall, 7pm

  • Fri 8.30 Football vs. Shoemaker, Dragon Stadium, 7:30pm

  • Mon 9.2 Labor Day, no school, no rehearsal

  • Wed 9.4 RRHS Open House

  • Fri 9.6 Football vs. Temple, Wildcat Stadium, 7:30pm

  • Tue 9.10 Band Booster Meeting, Band Hall, 7pm

  • Fri 9.13 Football vs. Vista Ridge, Dragon Stadium, 7:30pm, 8th Grade Visit, Full Uniform

  • Fri 9.20 Football vs. McNeil, Reeves, 7:00pm

  • Sat 9.21 BOA Austin, V only, all day, schedule TBA

  • Fri 9.27 Football vs. Cedar Ridge, Dragon, 7:00pm, Senior Recognition Pregame

Thank You Everyone

David Mobley

Band Director, Round Rock High School

201 Deepwood Drive, Round Rock, TX 78681



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